
Club Penguin

I'm playing on a site called Club Penguin, with Emma and one of my best friends Sallie. We were all playing a game on there and I just lost. So now they're finishing the game without me while I type this.

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." --- Will Rogers


Granny said...

You made my day.
You have good snow pictures.
Alice's has a good picture.

Emma said...

yeah i love club penguin

pawpaw said...

Hi I was here ,You have pretty pictures , Bye I will see you later.
love you PawPaw

Grace said...

To Granny: Hey!
Did I?
Alice's says thanks too.

Love Grace ☺,♥,and ♫

To Emma:
Of course! Who doesn't??

Love Grace ☺,♥,and ♫

Dada said...

Yes I visit I just don't comment... Luv the snow pictures..burrrr....

Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grace said...

To Pawpaw: Hi. Good. Thank you!
See you later. Love Grace!!

To Dada: Oh. If people don't comment then how am I supposed to know that anybody gets on my blog?